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Master Shamanic Star Healer, Soul Activator, Channel

Maggie Anderson is a located in Sedona and is an Author, Shakti Oracle Deck Creator, Shamanic Star Healer, Soul Activator, Multdimensional Quantum Healer, Shamaness, Channel of Angels, Ascended Master & Starbeings, Mystic, Shamanic Cosmic Reiki & IET Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Munay-Ki Rites Activator & Sacred Sound Healer and Guide to raise the vibe and activate your soul's crystalline lightbody in aligning with your I AM presence and your truest souls mission for the awakening of Gaia and all of humanity.

Maggie works with the Powerful Celestial Blue Ray energy to heal, purify and activate your Soul. Maggie also calls in the Purple Violet ray as well as the Magenta ray of the Divine Feminine energies to bring back the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies for Divine Union at the sacred Heart.

Maggie’s metaphysical experience spans 20 years. During this time she has become an expert in channeling, energy healing, sound healing, yoga, astrology, gemology and spiritual teaching. She is a spiritual guide, mentor and teacher who integrates magical ancient and channeled wisdom with spiritual training in order to lead, support and facilitate healing for those around her.

Maggie is always strengthening and evolving her connection to the Divine. Integrating many cultures wisdom, giving tangible form to the goddess, the angels, the luminous ones and medicine women & men. Maggie is the Mystic Soul and Sacred Soul Star Healing creator, Reiki & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, IET Master Instructor, Munay-ki Mentor, Sage Goddess Gemologist and Aromatherapist, Hibiscus Moon Crystal Therapy Certified, Angelights Angel Medium, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Ho'oponopono teacher and so much more.

Channeling Divine energy, she creates sacred space for her students to rise up like the phoenix to their highest potential. She offers individual and group healing sessions and metaphysical classes, healings, sacred sound journeys, channelings, soul activations, twin flame activatoin, rites and attunements online, in-person and in the Sedona Vortexes.

Maggie has been channeling divine beings of light, angels and cosmic beings as well as her own multidimensional selves for years. She has been sharing her powerful "Divine Cosmic Messages" for many years with magical testimonials by all who read and experience the energy and lightcodes packed within each message. Each connection she makes upgrades her energy. Each interval of the celestial, galactic and star family arrival, Maggie builds her light quotient enabling her to offer so much more in frequency and lightcodes to Gaia and all of humanity. Her soul's mission is to ride the waves of ascension, merge with her multidimensional selves activating her I AM presence with Gaia while assisting humanity in doing the same!

Please contact us for any question or to schedule your session.

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Maggie Anderson does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of techniques.

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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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