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Test the Universe
The Universe will give you signs that you are on the right track. I.E. Deja Vu, Coincidences, etc. You can also put the energy out there...
Maggie Anderson
Dec 31, 2018

Entity Attachment
Kundalini & Entity Attachment Entities – One of the many symptoms that may occur from a Kundalini rising Please note that my book,...
Maggie Anderson
Jun 23, 2018

17 Merkaba Breath Meditation
17 Merkaba Breath Meditation Inspired by Drunvalo Machezidek Like the Sun we must breathe radiating to all life and from all life we...
Maggie Anderson
May 1, 2018

Ancient Hawaiian Clearin & Healing Method It’s your peace when you are sad, it’s your Joy when you are happy, it’s your calm in the...
Maggie Anderson
Feb 14, 2018

Feng'g and Shui'g
Feng Shui…and the Bagua Feng Shui your home, your office, and even your body! Feng Shui is multi-dimensional! Also, just like gravity,...
Maggie Anderson
Dec 1, 2017

Afterlife: Michael
This message is of hope and faith in the Afterlife. In times of grieving it’s hard to remember to keep the faith. We grieve…and move on....
Maggie Anderson
Nov 13, 2017

Twin Flame Energies
DIVINE COSMIC MESSAGE *PART ONE* Twin flames. I hadn’t planned to discuss this today. However, we all know the divine had its own plans. ...
Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2017

I Choose Me
Loving Yourself First Would you like to find your Soul Mate? Your one true love? Twin Flame? Whatever name you go by, it still boils...
Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2017

Synchronicity & Coincidences
Have you ever heard or saw something over and over again? Please note that my book, Divine Embrace, explains in more detail...
Maggie Anderson
Nov 11, 2017

Law of Attraction and Ascension
“The basis of most physical human confusion, is this. Everything is about the Law of Attraction. Which means, everything is about...
Maggie Anderson
Aug 8, 2017

888 Lions Gateway Portal Activation
(July 26th to August 12th) Calling on the Galactic Masters, Sirians, Lyrans, and Creator to assist us as we enter this amazing energy!...
Maggie Anderson
Aug 8, 2017

Gaze directly at the Sun Please note that this is an excerpt from my book, Divine Embrace, which also explains Kundalini & Ascension in...
Maggie Anderson
Jul 26, 2017

Kundalini Pathway
The Awakening Path Please note that my book, Divine Embrace, explains in detail Kundalini, Ascension and how you can work through your...
Maggie Anderson
Jul 26, 2017

What is Yoga?
Yoga is not just my passion, but a magical part of my life. It’s a big part of my calling. Yoga is hard to explain in one word and yet...
Maggie Anderson
Jul 7, 2017

New Version of You
I absolutely love the old theme song (“New Version of You”) for the, now cancelled, show called Felicity. “New version of you” is a song...
Maggie Anderson
Jul 7, 2017

Time to Breath - Yoga Breathing Techniques
Breath Awareness Create space with breath. As you focus only on your breath your attention to mind thoughts goes away and you are in...
Maggie Anderson
Apr 13, 2015
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