Angel Blue Ray Activation

Open up to your fullest Soul's Magic and Potential
Coming soon!!! Stay tuned.
In this powerful Angel Blue Ray Activation we awaken the Angel within us as we connect to the Angels. They will infuse you with the Angelic Blue Ray energy with Maggic as your celestial conduit.
You can confirm your activation via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
To purchase Click below:
2022 Refund Policy
If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.
There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.
Prices subject to change.
Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.
No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.