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Crystal Healing Classes


Learn the Healing Magic of Crystals and Stones


I’ve created the following Crystal Healing classes as a part of my Mystic Soul 2019 program. For those of you who only want the Crystal Healing wisdom, I have taken out those classes for you to enjoy! Choose and purchase from any individual Crystal Healing class or all of the Crystal Healing classes listed below (when purchasing all you’ll receive a bonus):


  1. Crystal Healing

  2. Crystal Gridding

  3. Love Crystals & Stones

  4. Prosperity and Abundance Crystals & Stones

  5. Chumpi Stones and the Chakana

  6. Shamanic Vogel Extraction techniques

  7. Synergy 12 High Vibrational Crystals & Stone

  8. Crystals & Stones for Physical Health

  9. Crystals & Stones to Relieve Anxiety & PTSD

  10. Shamanic & Shadowwork Crystals & Stones

  11. Rite of the Crystal
    (BONUS if you purchase all 10 classes or you may purchase separately)


Crystals and stones resonate at unique frequencies to assist us in focusing and magnifying our intentional work. Learn how to tap into their magic and work with Crystals and Stones. Together we create a symbiotic relationship where we raise the frequency of the planet as a whole.


If you would like to receive the any or all of the Crystals & Stones Classes. please Contact me.


$44 each or $400 for all with a bonus of Rite of the Crystal


To purchase, either in full or by rite, click option below:






Other Payments accepted

Venmo: @MaggieSBliss

Cash App: $maggieanderson7

Zelle: Inuire to pay

Paypal: (Check ‘Friends & Family’)


Once you have prepaid for your class, please email me to officially register for your class and to confirm payment was received.






2022 Refund Policy



If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.


There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.


Prices subject to change.


Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.


No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.


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