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Divine Embrace: Sacred Kundalini Activation


Divine Embrace

Sacred Kundalini Asension Activation

This course is offered as an online class that you can begin right now or scheduled as an in-person session as well. In this close to 9-hour program (as a one-day intensive or in three separate sessions) I will assist you with embracing the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. A unification. We each have a Divine Spark within us. Embracing the divine within you causes transformations that change you forever. It is beautiful and powerful. You will learn how to find true inner peace. Whether your goal is awakening your Kundalini or happily living a more authentic, awakened, joy-filled life, you will find guidance within this seminar. I share my ideas of raising consciousness for living an enlightened life. You will learn about:

  • Common Ascension symptoms and how to work with them
  • You will learn how Kundalini plays a big part in your ascension
  • You will learn how to empower yourself through conscious awareness of your surroundings and what you create in every moment

Sacred Reading List for this course (you will receive electronic versions of these books as my free gifts for joining this course)

Divine Embrace Magic I: How I Found My True Inner Peace/Divine Embrace (3 hours)
This class will include…Magic & Healing:

Healing through meditation, breathing, Ritual, surrender discussion in Divine Embrace and other topics in my book Divine Embrace.

  1. Dark Night of the Soul, Shadow…

  2. Ascension

  3. Levels to Source

  4. Core Beliefs

  5. Ego & Dark Night

  6. Kundalini

  7. Success through Symptoms

Take part in the Sacred Activation Ceremony for awakening the Divine within you. Activate your light body. Incorporate breath, movement, visuals, sound, touch and spiritual energies for an integrated connection. Then finish with a wonderful Sacred Energy Healing circle.


Divine Embrace Magic II: How I Found My True Inner Peace/Divine Embrace (2 hours)
This class will include Magic & Healing: Reiki, Ho’oponopono, Sungazing, Vogel Healing tutorial, Ritual, Essence and a Divine Embrace Healing Modality Session and offering to others.

$111 for one class and $333 to purchase all three


Divine Embrace Magic III: Divine Healing/Complete Altar Set up (2 hours in class and 1.5-hour Sacred Kundalini Ascension Activation)


Continuation of  the Divine Embrace Sacred Energy Awakening Process, Healing Modality Session Divine Healing with Divine Embrace Sacred Awakening Healing method. Discuss full altar set up, crystal gridding, Feng Shui Altars, etc. And to complete this amazing course I have recorded your final 1.5-hour full remote Sacred Kundalini Ascension Activation.


$111 for one class and $333 to purchase all three

To purchase LIVE RECORDED, either in full or by class, click option below:



Once you have prepaid for your class, please email me ( to officially register for your class and to confirm payment was received.



2022 Refund Policy



If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.

There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.

Prices subject to change.

Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.

No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.

Copyright © 2024 | Maggie Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

By using this website you agree to Maggie's Bliss' Terms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy , and Purchase Terms without having to click "Accept".

Maggie Anderson does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of techniques.

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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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