Mystic Soul 2020
The entire Mystic Soul 2020 program classes are available for purchase!
See the Sacred
Whether you are a witch, shaman, starseed, empath, psychic, feeling like something’s missing or feeling lost and courageously seeking your true path, THIS course is calling you. With nearly two decades of knowledge and wisdom of healing, witchy wisdom, shamanism, galactic connections and more, all infused in this program. It will surely awaken your own power and magic within. Let’s rise together.
We meet virtually 3 times a month:
Session 1: Wheel of the Year Sabbats honoring a Goddess or Star Rites
Session 2: Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching (every 7 weeks in new element)
Session 3: Tarot Major Arcana with corresponding gemstones & mini-meditation
BONUS: Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalinin Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana Flows)
See the Sacred, Hear the Invisible and Know the Divine always.
Pay $49 a month month or receive a discount and pay in full $441 for the entire 9 months
Payments accepted:
Venmo: @MaggieSBliss
Cash App: $maggieanderson7
Zelle: Inquire to Pay
Paypal: paypal.me/maggiesbliss/ (Check ‘Friends & Family’ or add 3% to order)
My 'Mystic Soul program 2.0 ~ See the Sacred' unlocks the secret wisdom of your soul! Hear the whispers your soul wants you to know now.
My Mystic Soul program takes on new life! We expand upon 2019’s magic and go deeper into our soul’s truth! Mystic Soul 2.0 is about ‘Seeing the Sacred’ in everything. The Magic of Spirit is all around us at all times. We will begin to reveal the magic within and feel the awareness beneath the awareness. Your Soul knows the truth! The changes in you may seem huge at times and will also often seem small within you. One step creates a ripple effect that creates powerful results in your life. Are you ready!?
In my 'Mystic Soul 2.0 ~ See the Sacred' program I have channeled a 9 month Mystical journey into your soul. Your Soul knows the truth!
You will receive a ‘Mystic Soul 2.0 ~ See the Sacred’ Certificate of completion when you complete all sessions of this 9 month journey. You will also receive a Certificate of completion as you become the Star Rites mentor and can pass on the Star Rites to others:
We will meet once a week on Tuesdays at 6pm EST each month with the exception of our Wheel of the Year Sabbats. For these dates, we are going to meet on the very day of the celebrated holiday. The fourth week’s BONUS session serves as a way to ground the teachings with healing Yoga techniques.
Below is your curriculum and dates for the entire 9 months! Please note that October 2020’s monthly payment includes our Yule Winter Solstice Ritual on December 21, 2020!
The deeper wisdom of this years new program includes:
Wheel of the Year with Goddess alignment!
Tarot Major & Minor Arcana
Tarot Shadow Archetype Grid
Oracle Card Reading
Feng Shui
Space Clearing
Medicine Wheel
Sacred Ceremony & Ritual
Cluttler Clearing Alchemy
All Star Rites
Honoring the awareness beneath the awareness
Dimensional Healing techniques
Bonus Yoga Classes (Pranayama, Mantra, Kundalini, Gentle & Vinyasa flows)
12D Avian Activation
Shamanic Journeys (one of my soul gifts is channeling unique shamanic journeys for soul retrieval, deep soul healing, restructuring DNA, etc.)
Shamanic practices
Starseed Galactic knowledge and energetic rites, as the ancient shamans knew we needed to be inclusive of the stars. Our soul’s lineage goes further back than we can comprehend and is more vast than just planet Earth. This year we will activate your Soul’s Mission, and connections to the Pleiadians, Lyrans and Avians.
Breathwork (breath is our Prana Life force) for presence and connecting with Great Spirit
Sacred Sound magic
Sacred Circle Protocol (including energy visuals that clear room)
Spiritual Mentorship
Live discussions and Q&A
and so much more…
Each session will take on the energy it needs to embody for all who are taking this course. I will channel in and offer teachings to the topics of the current session but energy has a life of its own and we may explore a variety of unique topics. Most importantly this is to be relevant to what you are needing in every NOW moment. Ask your questions and let’s ride this wave together.
Our Magical Curriculum:
Session 1: Wheel of the Year & Goddess
Imbolc with Goddess Brigid
Session 2: Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching
Week 1 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: East, Element of Air Begins
Session 3: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 0 The Fool & 1 The Magician with Crystals recommendations
Week 2 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
BONUS CLASSES:Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Week 3 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
Session 1: Numerology, Life path Number with Major Arcana card alignment
Week 4 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 2 High Priestess & 3 Empress with Crystals recommendations
Week 5 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
Session 3: Wheel of the Year & Goddess
Spring Equinox with Goddess Ostara
Week 6 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
BONUS CLASSES: Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Vinyasa Yoga with the Five Tibetans
Week 7 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Air
Session 1: Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching
Week 8 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: West, Element of Water begins
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 4 Emporer & 5 Hierophant with Crystals recommendations
Week 9 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
Session 3: Star Rites: Soul Star Rite
Week 10 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
Week 11 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
Session 1: Wheel of the Year & Goddess
Beltane & Goddess Lilith
Week 12 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 6 Lovers & 7 Chariot with Crystals recommendations
Week 13 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
BONUS CLASSES: Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Gentle Yoga including Pranayama with Savasana Holographic Inter-dimensional Healing techniques
Week 14 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Water
Session 3: Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching
Week 15 & 16 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: South, Element of Fire Begins
Session 1: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 8 Hermit & 9 Strength with Crystals recommendations
Week 17 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Fire
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 10 Wheel of Fortune & 11 Justice with Crystals recommendations
Week 18 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Fire
Session 3: Wheel of the Year & Goddess
Litha Summer Solstice & Goddess Isis
Week 19 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Fire
BONUS CLASSES: Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Open Your Heart Kundalini Yoga
Week 20 & 21 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Fire
Session 1:Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching:
Week 22 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: North, Element of Earth Begins
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 12 Hanged Man & 13 Death with Crystals recommendations
14 Temperance & 15 Devil with Crystals recommendations
Week 23 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
Session 3: Star Rites: Pleiadian Golden Woven Path Rite
Week 24 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
BONUS CLASSES: Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Vinyasa Flow with Mantra
Week 25 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
Session 1: Wheel of the year & Goddess
Lammas First Harvest & God Lughnasadh & Goddess Demeter
Week 26 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
BONUS CLASSES: Star Rites: Lyran Triple Infinity Abundance Rite on Lion’s Gate 888
Session 2: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 16 Tower & 17 Star with Crystals recommendations
Week 27 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
Session 3: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 18 Sun & 19 Moon with Crystals recommendations
Week 28 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
Week 27 Medicine Soul Coaching: Element of Earth
Session 1: Tarot Major Arcana with mini-meditation
Major Arcana of the month: 20 Judgment & 21 World with Crystals recommendations
Week 28 Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching: Element of Earth completes (Vision Quest in October)
Session 2: Tarot Minor Arcana with Crystals recommendations for four elements
(recap of all Major Arcana)
Session 3: Wheel of the Year & Goddess
Mabon Autumn Equinox & Goddess Persphone
BONUS CLASSES:Yoga (Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra, Gentle & Vinyasa Asana flows)
Gentle-Yin Yoga
Session 1: Shadow Archetype Tarot Grid and Oracle Card Reading
Medicine Wheel Soul Coaching Vision Quest
Session 2: Star Rites: Koto Kuna Karpay
Session 3: Wheel of the Year & Goddess (recorded)
Samhain Halloween & Lady Morgana/Morrigan
BONUS CLASS: The bonus class for October is our Yule Ritual in December
DECEMBER 22 Yule & Goddess Frigga
Yule falls on 12/22 but we will meet LIVE on Friday 12/20 @ 11am and is our last class in 2020!
You will receive:
In addition to our three live 90-120 minute classes each month (streamed live on YouTube and archived for later viewing), you will receive content on the monthly pages topics. As part of your membership you will receive:
Class content for that months learnings, an online classroom page where all class notes, announcements, and class recordings will be posted for easy access, access to the private Facebook group for ongoing support and guidance from Maggie, included bonus (live sessions) and the greater community,
All class meetings are conducted live but in case you miss class for any reason, you will have lifetime access to the archived recordings.
See the Sacred, Hear the Invisible and Know the Divine always.
Pay $49 a month month or receive a discount and pay in full $441 for the entire 9 months
Payments accepted:
Venmo: @MaggieSBliss
Cash App: $maggieanderson7
Paypal: paypal.me/maggiesbliss/ (Check ‘Friends & Family’ or add 3% to order)