Online Yoga Teacher Training

Maggie's Bliss Onlne YTT Certification
A magical approach to Yoga Teacher Training
Please click the attached for more information about this program and to register if you are called to this Soul cleansing YTT. Sign-up and full payment needs to be received in order to receive full access to the entire Online YTT video library and private facebook YTT group. Feel free to email or facebook message me anytime with questions.
My ONLINE YTT is fully launched and all classes are Recorded! Sign up today and get in on it right from the beginning! WHEN REGISTERING FOR THIS TRAINING PLEASE USE THE ‘GET CERTIFIED’ BUTTON BELOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE or click the attached print out snail mail or RE-PDF filled out form and email it to me to register if you are called to this Soul cleansing YTT. Sign-up and full payment is required to gain full access to this YTTs video library and private YTT facebook group. Feel free to email or facebook message me anytime with questions. After reading the description below, if you have additional questions, please see my Questions & Answer page.
Students can pay tuition in full of $2,200 or in four monthly installments of $550 each (the first being your required deposit to begin class). This payment plan is available after initial first payment deposit of $550. Your non-refundable deposit applies to your tuition; once received, you will be billed $550 each month thereafter for 3 more months beginning one month after your deposit payment. To hold your spot, the non-refundable deposit of $550 and the program contract are due before you can begin the program. The remaining tuition will be charged in $550 increments due monthly till you reach the full tuition of $2,200. Please note, you will lose access to future classes if you stop payment.
Tuition: $2,200
Choose one of three options with this online training:
OPTION 1: ONLINE only Program (120-hr. Certification)
OPTION 2: ONLINE only w/proof of Reiki I (128-hr. Certification)
OPTION 3: ONLINE & IN-PERSON combination (200-hr. Certification - Watch for in-person offering dates)
Click below for an introduction to the Online YTT program:
Program Overview
Our structured classes will run for 9 months from the day you begin. It’s structured as a once a week class. It’s an online program, so you have the option to finish it sooner or take a little longer. But I strongly suggest you stick with at least one video a week and homework assignment due dates. See this time as your sacred time with Self to deepen your knowledge and wisdom in yoga, magic and healing. A complete schedule will be provided, upon purchase of this unique program that will we talk through during the orientation introductory video.
In my Yoga teacher training course you will experience learning about yoga postures, vinyasa sequencing and philosophy. However, this training is so much more. You’re going to find the magic and healing benefits of combining the elements and spirit into your practice at a very deep level. I’ve never seen a Yoga Teacher Training include this type of learning.
It’s my intention to awaken you at all levels of your being. So yes, this is a different YTT than what you are used to, but it is the expression I have been magically drawn to and guided to share with all of you. If you are reading this, you just may be one of the many who wants to experience truth at a deeper level than you are right now. Yoga will take you there. Magical practices will take you there. Healing energies will take you there. But when you combine the three, it’s a powerful mystical force not to be reckoned with.
My Magical practices, 4 Elements of the Soul Program, Healing methods and Yoga expertise are deeply embedded into this program. If you’re looking for something unique in deepening your practice within, this is the program for you. Are you being called?
In my YTT you’ll learn from my three pillars: Yoga, Magic and Healing. What you’ll notice is that Yoga IS Magic and Healing; Magic is embedded in Healing and Yoga; and Healing is found in both Yoga and Magic. They all blend and flow together. You can’t have one without the other. As you transcend in your yoga practice you come to this awareness. A common theme among ALL three pillars is meditation. Throughout the program we will practice and talk about the importance of a dedicated meditation practice.
If you look into the deeper practice of yoga, it’s not just postures. It’s not just breathing/pranayama. It’s not just meditation. It encompasses so much more. It’s a deeply blissful, mystical experience that brings Magic and Healing to your whole being for the end result of a Divine Marriage (Divine Feminine and Masculine together) to reach Enlightenment.
You’ll learn yoga philosophy and several yoga postures as well as how to teach them. You’ll have the knowledge to teach a Vinyasa Yoga class, Gentle Yoga class and Beginners Yoga class. This YTT forms the foundation for you to jump off from and dive into your own specialty or keep it eclectic. You will learn how to teach back to a class and/or to simply dive deeper into your own personal Yoga practice.
Magic will be embedded throughout the entire Yoga Teacher Training. We immerse into all the elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water as well as Spirit with my 4 Elements of the Soul Program and mystical knowledge. You’ll learn how to smudge, create magical crystal grids with intention, create your own magical altar and dive deep into meditation and soul journeys to connect more deeply with your Soul. Your soul always knows the truth. As we immerse in this training you will learn more about yourself and connect more deeply to the Divine than ever before.
To complete the three pillars of learning in this Yoga Teacher Training you will learn how to heal the self as well as others (if you so choose) through meditation as well as my own healing modality Divine Embrace. Option for Online YTT: You can become Reiki I attuned and certified. I will also offer Reiki II, Reiki Master IIIa and Reiki Master Teacher IIIb as options for you throughout the YTT if you feel drawn to deepen your healing abilities and open your crown chakra more. (Note: Reiki I is included in your Yoga Teacher Training fee. Reiki II, IIIa and IIIb are offered at an additional cost.)
Each week we you enjoy your YTT video for 3.5 hours. Select Holiday weekends will be observed (schedule will be provided at Orientation). Since this is online and I am still filming, your videos will be made available to you at least once a week or sooner till completion of the program.
Investment: $2,200 (a $700 savings from my In-Person 200-hr. YTT Program!)
This cost covers all video modules, Reiki I Certification, Soul Coaching Manual and a comprehensive YTT manual written & formulated by Maggie Anderson.
*As a registered student you will also enjoy special discounts at Maggie’s Bliss Yoga & Wellness on workshops.
Required Sacred Reading List:
Hatha Yoga Illustrated by Brook Boon and Martin Kirk
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
How I Found My True Inner Peace (Book 1) by Maggie Anderson
Divine Embrace (Book 2) by Maggie Anderson
The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar
Living Your Yoga by Judith Lesater
Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss
Required Yoga Props:
Your Yoga Mat
2 Yoga Blocks
1 Strap
1 bolster
1 Yoga Blanket
Program Requirements for Certification:
Attend all video modules
All Sacred Reading Assignments
Homework Assignments
Options if Local and want full 200-hr. Certificate:
Attend 40 group yoga classes with Maggie and approved teachers at The Woods Yoga
Attend 2 Pranayama & Meditation Classes
Attend 1 Yin, Restorative or Svaroopa Yoga Class
Attend 1 Singing Bowl Session or Kirtan
2 Yoga Class Observes
4 Yoga Class Assists
10 Student Teaching Classes (Karma Yoga)
Sacred Reading List and Book Projects
Final Exam; written and practical
To Register: WHEN REGISTERING FOR THIS TRAINING PLEASE USE THE ‘GET CERTIFIED’ BUTTON BELOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE or complete and return the attached Application & Contract with a non- refundable $695 deposit to the below address or you PDF your signed contract, email it to me and send payment via check (address shared after contract sent), cash, Cash App or Paypal (Please note, if using Paypal, you will need to add 3% to all payments).
Payment Methods: Check, Cash, Cash App or Paypal (For Paypal, securely taking credit cards, hit the donate button below and put in the deposit amount or full payment with additional 2%.) Please note: you are not officially registered till deposit payment has cleared. Also note, full payment must be received in order to gain full access to the YTT video library and private YTT facebook group. If you have additional questions, please see my Questions & Answer page.
About Maggie Anderson, CYT, RMT, IET-MI, CSC & CPLC
A teacher of teachers, Maggie Anderson, is known for her integrative, grounded approach to teaching Gentle and Vinyasa Yoga classes. Each are unique and fuse the divine energy of her experience as an Master Energy Healer, Certified Soul Coach and Psychic. Maggie is a Master Energy Healer and Certified Yoga Teacher and draws on over 20 years experience in yoga, philosophy, healing, magic and holistic coaching to provide a mystical open space for the processes of healing, awakening and transformation. She has trained in Core Strength Vinyasa Flow methods and is a Certified Yoga Teacher of Vinyasa flow, leading teacher trainings, workshops, energy healing and psychic readings sessions in person and online. Maggie regularly contributes free yoga & meditation videos and monthly Inspiring newsletters online through her website MaggiesBliss.com.
2022 Refund Policy
If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.
There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.
Prices subject to change.
Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.
No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.