Pleiadian Light Activation
I gaze up at the sun. Its bright warm light inviting me in. Through the light of the sun I travel through a portal to a sacred meadow overlooking the ocean. Trees sprinkle around the meadow. Their energy is like a hug.
As I walk on in this beautiful meadow in nature, I listen to the sounds of the birds, smell the fresh springtime air, enjoy the gentle breeze and warm sun on my skin. The sacred meadow, with a blanket of cozy grass, invites me in. The sacredness of this meadow is felt upon entering. As I walk barefoot, I notice each step creates magical blue-purple light. Each step activates and spreads this light to Gaia and all who walk this path. I am filled with Joy and Love.
A beautiful Pleiadian female greets me. The light around her is an extension of her. As they often do, she softly yet powerfully reminds me, “We are here. You are here. We are here.” Pleiadians come to open and expand our hearts in order to embrace the Divine authentic beings that we are.
In the warmth of her light I am activated, my heart opening even more. I am Connected to All. The light increases as she shares divine messages with me. She reminds me of the vast legions of support they bring to me and to us all always. The light increases amplifying it’s intensity and my third eye shines bright like the sun with rays of pink light extending out. A powerful activation. Take this time now to receive this Pleiadian Heart & Third Eye Opening Activation.
We hug. I am filled with gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My own wings expand as light! I send light filled energy to those that come to mind as well as to Gaia. Magical.💖 As you are all filled up to overflowing, I invite you to share with Gaia and those who need a little extra love.
May you always know the infinite peace that dwells within. Remember there is magic all around us. Step outside and feel the Oneness.
In Munay,