We begin our shadow work journey in a vast autumn forest. I walk barefoot through the trees. The green grass feels heavenly as we walk. Autumn leaves lay on the forest floor. Many more still on the beautifully colored trees. Some others are floating with the gentle breeze,šš Sunlight streaming through the tall trees.
There is no real path. I just walk through the trees meandering here and there. The birds still sing their magic. Fairies flitting about as they tend to the plants preparing to going into hibernation. There is a luminescence through this realm. It's as if my eyes have been cleared and I see so much more. The colors and floating orbs sparkle.
I know that it is time get fully present with these experiences. It's time to give gratitude for the lessons I've experienced and the positive experiences in my life. I know, too, that its time to let go of the energies that no longer serve my soul. There is a question in the air that calls me to be authentically honest with myself about everything. What is ready to leave my experience? What do I need to release now? What is overdo on being released? It's time to ponder this within. I take my time to let the awareness sink in.
Soon I come to a small magical opening in the forest. I know what I have to do now. We are in sacred space; liminal space. The time of in-between where the magic is more powerful.
I create sacred space with white sage; calling in all 7 directions (the elements, the angels and guardians). As I reach each direction, I place my hand in the air to call them in. We see brilliant flames of color (green flames for east, electric blue flames for south, diamond white flames for west and vibrant red flames in the North. I feel the sacred energies creating a sphere of protection and enlightenment. I sit in my circle now. My guides, luminous ones, angels and all of my light team come. The ancestors who have done the work, crossed into the light and are in healed space are also invited here.
The love and emotion is off the charts amazing. Sparkling energy all around me.āØ Her we sit by a fire in the center of the sacred circle. I send all the energy I have been in introspection about right into the fire now. It's time to release it all to the Divine for transmutation into purse light...paving the way for more magic to come our way.
One my guides places their hand on my back at my heart. They bring guidance to me now. I ask my questions and receive the clarify they hold. 'They said it was all meant to be. My soul decided this.' Your soul decided your path as well. Hear their wisdom. Listen to their messages. Take it all in. They send light, love and healing to your being through the center of your being aka your heart center. The glowing emerald green light expands outward from your heart and ripples out into your aura.
Soon the energy expands outward into the entire sacred circle, then the entire realm and out it goes infusing the entire Universe with this light and love energy. They say your manifestations 'will come to fruition'.š We release, we let go, we rise up.
Blessed Samhain,