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Shaman’s Cave Full Moon Journey💜

Maggie Anderson

Shaman’s Cave holds so much magic if you take time to listen. And on a full moon!! Powerful! It was meant to be on this auspicious day.

Don and I did the short hike from the first parking area (after an hour drive, half hour of this was on the dirt road). Then came the short climb up. When it came time to go around the corner a bit this is where the gatekeeper had some fun with Don. He felt like he was falling. Like felt the tumbling and fear. That’s when he said he was going to hang back and told me to take my time. And I did! He was literally like 50 feet around a corner from the cave. He felt it was meant to be just for me today.💕

I spent almost two hours in the cave. Not one person came during my time in the cave. Just a few ravens. It felt like 20-30 min tops! Time outside of time, space outside of space. Liminal space. After I recorded my Shamans Cave Full Moon Journey ( only then did it seem like I was back with this realm. And at that time a helicopter flew by very close to the cave and came back for one more pass. Then Don called me (connection was spotty but no biggie) to make sure all was well. I couldn’t believe it had been so long!🔥💖

I did run into that gatekeeper as a dark energy being and sent it love, where it then turned into the shaman woman I had an experience with during the journey. I shared this during the journey towards the end. So powerful there!💕

When you’re meant to be there, and only when you are meant to be, then you will gain entrance. I hope you enjoy the pictures and video held within. There are some real gems here!💜💜💜

P.s. check out the all white image and the one I actually took after it!! That was also the spot of the gatekeeper energy Don ran into. Spirit took a photo.

P.s.s. Video and images below and don't forget to enjoy the recorded Live outside of time and space Shaman's Cave Full Moon journey:

In Munay,


Maggie's Bliss



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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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