Reiki Attunments

Reveal the Healer You Have Always Been and Raise Your Vibration
All healing begins within. Master Healer, Maggie, offers Reiki I, II, Master IIIa, Master/Teacher IIIb Attunements. Come enjoy Usui Reiki attunements. In each class you will receive attunements and meditations as well as divine information to aid you on your Reiki Path. With each level you will receive a personalized Certificate.

Reiki I – $222
Requirements: Come As You Are
Receive your Usui Reiki Level I attunement.
Included in the class is your attunement to the Reiki I level, Reiki I manual, meditations, and instructions for hands on healing. After this class you will be able to heal yourself as well as others (friends, family & pets too). It’s important that you use this level to practice on self first. Get to know the energies and connect with them before moving on to reiki level II where you will learn more about the responsibility of practicing on others and be able to take this outside of the house and practice on others. Class is approximately 4-5 hours depending upon the number of students.
Reiki is a form of healing developed by Mikao Usui in the 1920’s in Japan. This healing is called an Enlightenment. The energy comes into the practitioner and is channeled through the palms of your hands and given to the intended receiver. While Reiki is often described as hands-on healing, it is most often done at a small (2-inch) distance, and can also be sent long distance. It is both gentle and powerful.
This class includes:
Divine Meditation
History of Reiki
Introduction to the Reiki Masters
Class is approximately 4-6 hours depending upon the number of students. Limited to 10 students. There are no prerequisites, come as you are.
You can schedule your appointment via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
Once you have prepaid for your session, please email me to officially set up appointment for session and to confirm payment was received.

Reiki II
Requirements: Reiki Level I
Receive your Usui Reiki Level II attunement with Maggie Anderson of Maggie’s Bliss. Included in the class is your attunement to the Reiki II level, Reiki II manual, meditations, and instructions. Reiki II offers an enhancement in energies from your Reiki I level attunement, as well as a long distance symbol that enables you to heal others no matter where they are located.
The Reiki symbols unlock and activate the higher Reiki energies. The level 2 attunement deepens your connection to the Reiki energy and is heart centered.
This class includes:
Divine Journey Meditation
Introduction to 3 symbols: mental/ emotional, long distance and power symbols
Distant Healing
Breathwork in Hui Yin
Heal unwanted Habits
Level 2 Attunement
Class is approximately 4-6 hours depending upon the number of students.
You can schedule your appointment via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
Once you have prepaid for your session, please email me to officially set up appointment for session and to confirm payment was received.

Reiki Master IIIa
Requirements: Reiki Level I & II
Receive your Usui Reiki Level Master IIIa attunement. Included in the class is your attunement to the Reiki Master IIIa level, Reiki Master IIIa manual, meditations, and instructions. Reiki Master IIIa offers an enhancement in energies from your Reiki II level attunement, as well as the Master Symbol.
You can schedule your appointment via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
PURCHASE Reiki Master IIIa $444
Once you have prepaid for your session, please email me to officially set up appointment for session and to confirm payment was received.
Reiki Master-Teacher IIIb
Requirements: Reiki Master Level IIIa
Receive your Usui Reiki Level Master/Teacher IIIb instruction. Included in the class is your Reiki Master Master/Teacher IIIb manual and instructions for learning how to teach and attune others to Reiki for all three levels (I, II, IIIa). Here we will, also, go over the requirements for obtaining Master Teacher level that includes creating and teaching your own class.
You can schedule your appointment via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
PURCHASE Reiki Master-Teacher IIIb $222
Once you have prepaid for your session, please email me to officially set up appointment for session and to confirm payment was received.
Reiki Attunement Combo
Must register and pay in advance to receive the discount
Receive All: Reiki I, II, IIIa & IIIb at a $221 discount! Make the commitment to become a Master Teacher and experience the three distinct day sessions taught over three weekends with at least a 21 day period in between the sessions.
You can schedule your appointment via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
Save $100 and purchase all levels below:
PURCHASE all Usui Reiki levels $1,000
You can schedule your class via: Email, Facebook Messenger.
2022 Refund Policy
If you are a no show for your session, the session will be considered a donation. Thank you.
There are no refunds on event tickets. It will be considered a donation towards the event costs. Thank you for understanding and supporting the Event and our work in Service.
Prices subject to change.
Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.
No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.