Rite of the Womb

"The womb is not a place to store fear and pain.
The womb is to create and give birth to life."
This lineage of women through the jungle medicine has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb.
Rite of the Womb aka the 13th Rite
This Rite is available to everyone that has the calling.
The 13th Rite is from a lineage of women through the jungle medicine and sacred teachings of the Munay-Ki, brought forward to help us ‘let go of fear and pain and to recognize that the womb is a place of creation and to give birth to all life‘. You can receive this Rite without having done the previous 9 Rites.
This lineage of women freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember: The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.
The feminine spirit of the jungle reminds us of this simple and vital truth:
The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.
This lineage of women through the jungle medicine has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb. Once you receive it you share it with as many women as possible.
The ’13th Rite – the Rite of the Womb’ flows with the thirteen moon cycles, hence it is known as the ’13th Rite’ in the Munay-Ki teachings, rather than the 10th Rite.
You DO NOT have to have received the previous 9 Munay-Ki Rites to receive the 13th Rite –everyone can receive this Rite which can then be immediately gifted to others. Men are also welcome to receive this Rite if they feel drawn to healing the perceived wounds of their Mothers and feminine line or simply to assist in holding space for women.
13th of the Munay-Ki”–The Rite of the Womb– is intended to heal all women of the suffering they carry in their belly. A gathering in Co-Creation. As each receives the 13th Rite from Maggie, all others will hold sacred space in circle. After receiving the 13th Rite you will be invited to take the experience more deeply, to further nurture the Rite over the many days and weeks that follow if you so choose. After receiving the 13th Rite you then have the option to pass the 13th Rite – the Rite of the Womb – on to others.
To celebrate the completion of the Rite, we come together with sounds of sacred drum, rattle, voice and song. The womb is not a place to store fear or pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life.
“The 13th Rite – the Rite of the Womb, is a very special opportunity to connect with your feminine energies, your physical and etheric womb – not just for yourself but for your Mother, Grandmothers, Daughters, Planetary feminine consciousness to heal and celebrate this connection free from pain and full of loving creation.”
Once you receive this rite you can assist women in activating this Rite.
If you would like to receive the Live Recorded Rite of the Womb:
Please Contact me and let me know of your purchase and I will send along to you!
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Prices subject to change.
Margaret Anderson aka Maggie Anderson of Maggie's Bliss does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor either directly or indirectly. Maggie Anderson's intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.
No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.