Sacred Soul Star Healing
Sacred Soul Star Healing will heal you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually creating shifts in your energy and your reality. As the collective is now deeply awakening, the shift you create with your willingness to do this deep work will ripple outward to all. This course is not just a healing modality that raises your vibration but simultaneously a way to shift your energy aligning you with your deepest soul’s mission and purpose. Sacred Soul Star Healing was channeled and designed to help you explore your spirituality, expand your personal power, deepen your inner wisdom to unlock peace, healing, prosperity, joy and your unlimited potential. If you desire standing in your personal power, following your intuition, speaking your authentic truth, connecting with your Higher Self, your light team and spirit guides to rise up like the phoenix in your life, then this is the program for you.
Most healing modalities are done over the course of a few weekend trainings. But many shaman know that any true long lasting shifts of deeper soulful wisdom and activations are best anchored in a one year program. One full year of learning, awakening, integrating and shifting. Are you ready to heal and shift your energy?
All healing begins with You. As you heal yourself, you heal the world. We are all truly connected. Once you complete all learnings and activations through the entire 1-year long healing course you will receive a Sacred Soul Star Healing Certificate. We meet virtually or in-person 3 times a month.
Session 1: Sacred Soul Star Healing Activation & Teachings
Session 2: Astrological Sign of the month via the Full Moon
Session 3: Full Moon Sacred Sound Journey to integrate the learnings
Ancient techniques and Celestial wisdom. Your Soul revealed.
Heal the wounds of the past and rise up like the phoenix to your highest potential now.
All Classes have been Recorded and are Available Now.
Pay only $77 a month
Payments accepted
Venmo: @MaggieSBliss
Cash App: $maggieanderson7
Zelle: Inquire to pay
Paypal: paypal.me/maggiesbliss/ (Check ‘Friends & Family’)
My Sacred Soul Star Healing connects you with your Soul's Mission! The knowledge, wisdom and attunements connect you with your Angels, Higher Self and I AM presence, Luminous Beings, Star Elders and Ancient Medicine Elders of the past! This program is inclusive of the stars.
Do you feel the call of your soul? I have answered the soul’s call. As I’ve channeled in journey, my Star guides, Spirit guides, Elders and Ancient ones have called to me to offer this culmination of integrated energetic practices from the Galactic energies and Shamanic roots!
My 1-year long course contains astrological wisdom, galactic star activations, sacred geometry activations, assisting you in understanding your soul’s purpose and gifts, as well as evolving your consciousness to your I AM presence. You are a pillar of light and are meant to shine your brilliant original radiance out to the world! If not now, then when? Let’s step into the light and raise the vibe together!
(Use password emailed to you)
Creating & Opening Sacred Space
Vortex of Light and Pillar of Light Activation
17 Breath Merkaba Teaching & Activation
Lyran Flower of Life Soul’s Call Throat Chakra Activation
Sacred Geometric Shapes of the Universe
Angel Soul Star Attunement
ArchAngel Michael Healing Blue Sphere Attunement
Learn about the Gatekeeper Angels, Angel of Death and the 9 Healing Angels of the Energy Field
Twin Flame Activation & Channeled wisdom
Embody I AM Presence Activation, 5D Heart Gateway Activation
Threefold Flame Activation with Kwan Yin, Tube Torus, Sacred Kundalini Awareness
Liquid Light Oceana Sirius B Activation: Release Limitations & Embrace Joy
13 Womb Rite & Galactic Activation
Alchemy, 7 Hermetic Principals, Goddess Isis Heart Breath Activation
Light & Shadow Violet Flame Activation & Shadow Astrology
Channeling & Healing Acitvation
Tall White Beings of Light Sound Healing Alignment & Acitvation
Sacred Circle Protocol
Sacred Geometry Activations
17 Breath Merkaba Activation
Powerful Angel Soul Star Attunement
ArchAngel Michael’s Healing Blue Sphere
Tube Torus Activation
Vortex & Pillar of Light Activation
Soul Star Attunement
Light & Shadow Transmutation Magic
Sacred Kundalini Activation
Chakra & Kundalini Symptoms & Awareness
13 Star Lyran Lightcode Initiation Activation
Energy Management
Lyran Merkaba Crown & Third Eye Opening
Lyran Flower of Life Soul’s Call Throat Chakra Activation
Liquid Light Oceana Sirius B Activation (Release Limitations & Embrace Joy)
Tall White Being of Light Tree of Life & Sound Healing
Twin Flame Activation & Channeled wisdom
Blue Pearl of Consciousness
Ancient Hawaiian Clearing Technique, Ho’oponopono
Shamanic Journeys (one of my soul gifts is channeling unique shamanic journeys for soul retrieval, deep soul healing, restructuring DNA, etc.)
Gemstone & Essential Oil magic aligned to astrology
Full Moon & New Moon Magic
Pluto & Moon Shadow Integration
Starseed Galactic knowledge and energetic Activations, as the ancient shamans knew we needed to be inclusive of the stars. Our soul’s lineage goes further back than we can comprehend and is more vast than just planet Earth. We will activate your energetic frequencies to the Lyrans, Avians, Pleiadians, etc.
Ancient Mystery School Teachings
7 Hermetic Principles
Breathwork (breath is our Prana Life force) for presence and connecting with Great Spirit
Sacred Sound magic
Live discussions and Q&A
Celestial information and so much more…
Each session will take on the energy it needs to embody for all who are taking this course. I will channel in and offer teachings to the topics of the current session but energy has a life of its own and we may explore a variety of unique topics. Most importantly this is to be relevant to what you are needing in every NOW moment. Ask your questions and let’s ride this wave together.
Are you feeling stuck or needing inspiration and transmutation at the soul levels? If you are reading this you are ready! In my Sacred Soul Star Healing program I have channeled an integrated approach inclusive of the Stars with many multidimensional channelings. This program brings you energetic interdimensional healing. I bring my soul’s authentic truth forward as I assist you in revealing your authentic soul as well.
You will receive a Sacred Soul Star Healing certificate when you complete all sessions of this year-long journey.
We will meet the first 2-3 Tuesday’s at 6pm EST each month. The space between classes serves as liminal space in the program for a time of integration.
You will receive:
In addition to our live 90-120 minute classes each month (streamed live on FaceBook o YouTube and archived for later viewing), you will receive content on the monthly pages topics. As part of your membership you will receive:
Class content for that months learnings, an online classroom page where all class notes, announcements, and class recordings will be posted for easy access, access to the private Facebook group for ongoing support and guidance from Maggie, included bonus (live sessions) and the greater community
All class meetings are conducted live but in case you miss class for any reason, you will have lifetime access to the archived recordings.
Monthly Cost
Sacred Soul Star Healing $77 per month.
Registration is open! All class are recorded and ready for you now!
Register Today
Pay only $77 a month
Payments accepted
Venmo: @MaggieSBliss
Cash App: $maggieanderson7
Zelle: Inquire to pay
Paypal: paypal.me/maggiesbliss/ (Check ‘Friends & Family’)