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Twin Flame Activation

Balance Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies for Sacred Union

1 h
44 US dollars

Service Description

Open up to your fullest Soul's Magic and Potential. In this powerful Twin Flame Activation you will connect with your true Twin Flame Ray in the higher dimensions. We will use the Golden Infinity symbol to powerfully assist with this activation. This will activate and heal connection to your own Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine of the self. This will further contribute to your Twin Flame union as you will be more aligned with our truest highest self. There is a severing of old karmic ties and wounds for deeper alignment with the Divine for awakening. This assists to more easily clear karmic baggage on your own bringing you to self-empowerment to do your work. Surrender, surrender, surrender. This ignites a Kundalini awakening and as you surrender a more powerful activation occurs. Manifestation and healing work will become more open and flow easier. If your Twin Flame’s highest self agrees they too will receive the activation for the highest and best good always. 💖💕

Contact Details

  • Sedona, AZ, USA

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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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