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The following are testimonials I've received from
my clients, students and retreat recipients:
"Maggie is a gifted, highly intuitive, compassionate healer. Her keen insight and natural empathic abilities pinpoint the heart of the matter to which she focuses her well-developed energy healing techniques. She is committed to providing top quality service and am pleased to share that time with her was money well spent. Do yourself a favor, book a session and prepare for a life-changing experience!" ~ Sarah M.
"I took a 9 month Mystic Soul Journey guided by Maggie. So much has changed in my life Thinking back on the hard decisions I've made and the wonderful things that have entered my life since I started has made me realize how much her spiritual guidance has really improved my life. I had to do some hard work, but her guidance made it easier and helped me heal myself in many ways. I received rites, activations, bonus crystal classes and so much information that I will always have access to online even after the journey is completed. I'm looking forward to Mystic Soul 2020!"
~ Latoya

“Maggie is a beautiful soul with amazing energy. I highly recommend using any of her services or taking her classes or workshops. She has a lot of knowledge about healing as well as a powerful healer. I’m so grateful I did!” ~ Joleen


“Maggie is a gifted teacher and healer. I’ve participated in many of her classes such as Reiki Training and IET. Attending her yoga classes is like a breath of fresh air from the busy work week. The classes keep you in touch with your true essence, that of the soul. I highly recommend trainings and classes with Maggie, she’s the real deal.” ~ Jen

“Thank you! Very powerful Energy” ~ Kathy

"Thank you Maggie. I appreciate your beautiful ceremony. It was very emotional for me, as I had tears flowing down my cheeks. It was a lovely." ~ Donna Bartlett


“Maggie is simply amazing. You will love her energy! I look forward to taking some classes and trainings in the future. I highly recommend her.” ~ Pamela


“Awesome meditation tonight. You have a gift. I’ve done a few from your YouTube channel as well. I’m grateful for you.” ~ Cara


“Maggie, once again, WOW!!! Your message is amazing. Saying that your message is magical is just not enough. Your divine message that you share makes me actually tingle!!! That’s a great thing. Wow Maggie…wow! Loving it! Love, light and blessings.” ~ Donna


“This message spoke crystal clear to me <3 Thank you! Love & Light. So it is. So it shall Be.” ~ Susan


“Thank you for sharing Beautiful soul….this touched me to my core..still have tingly sensations all over my body….…love n light always…so it shall be” ~ Lisamarie


“Thank you so much Maggie. This really resonated with me and gives me some inspiration and hope.” ~ Dawn


“Thank you. I have a hard time with visualization. However, this time I saw my tree. This tree made me cry. I was alone on both sides of the tree. I will go back hoping to meet my guides, hoping they will show themselves to me. Thank you Maggie.” ~ Simone


“Wow..I’m always amazed the last 4 days as I was reading this my head was tingling before I read it should be…just wow…wipes tears away…..still feeling the head tingle and a soft touch between the eyes…3rd eye….wow. Blessed Be Beautiful soul. ~ Anon


“Thank you for this! This cleansing portal was amazing and I met a shadow guide.” ~ Candice


“This Light & Shadow transmission is amazing. Your voice is so perfectly soothing for it. Thank you for sharing it!!! I will listen to is again. Love, love. Love !!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Sending blessings” ~ Kimberly


“Oh Maggie, this was just beautiful. I really enjoy it. Wonderful integration of Light & Shadow. I now go to journal my experince and messages received. With love and gratitude to you my dear sister.” ~ Francine


“Bless you Maggie, this meditation that you brought forward of integration of Light & Shadow was amazingly beautiful. Your voice is very soothing loving and melodious. Thank you so much. Blessings of love & Light.” ~ Nancy


“Beautiful! Thank you for this beautiful meditation.” ~ Charlotte


“Oh my goodness this meditation was so healing and powerful. Thank you so very much! It was just what I needed. I know many people will benefit from this. Thank you!” ~ Julie


“Wow! Maggie! You are on point as always. I fee I see your messages at the right time. Thank you so much!” ~ Jo


“Thank you so much Maggie. I channel with Isis. I loved your knowledge with the other goddesses and thank you for sharing your shotry it was beautiful and I will invite them into my meditation. I love you!” ~ Le-Risa


“Thank you for sharing. I feel so sick and so lost. This gave me some hope.” ~ Jen


“Thank you soooo much Maggie. I could feel the love and light while reading your message.” ~ Jessica


“Thank you. I always find inspiration from your channeling. Many blessings.” ~ Simone


“This is piercing through me. Thank you” ~ Norma


“This is the first time reading your channeling. It’s so inspiring and so heartfelt. Thank you so much for sharing. Love you.” ~ Cheri


“Many blessings, thank you so much for this message. I read it and re-centered.” ~ Jo


“Hi Maggie, I look forward to reading your channelings as often I feel connected to the information and I receive glimpses of what I soulfully already know. I am so grateful to read your channelings, as you are teaching me in a soft, gentle manner as I visualize and imagine myself there. You are a God send to me! I am not alone. I am not a misfit. I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. Yes Maggie, Your experience and words are powerful!!! Thank you for the lovely message as I will cherish. Namaste!” ~ Rosemary


“Thank you. This message is beautiful and timing is perfect.” ~ Julie


“I really connected with this. Thank you.” ~ Lisa


“Thank you Maggie for this extremely powerful message.” ~ Desirie


“Thank you thank you thank you for a wonderful class last night. My husband feels a lot more comfortable at the yoga studio because of your thoughtful instructions. My friend Jackie said to me this morning that it was the first night she slept the whole night through in years. She’s very excited to make this a regular part of her life.” ~ Dale


“I am so happy to have met you, you have no idea!! You are such a beautiful soul!!! ~ Kelly

Gentle Flow Yoga Class:


“Exactly what I needed! Gentle flow to restart my practice! Thank you!” ~ Resa

Gentle Flow Yoga Class:

“Maggie’s classes always bring out my emotions. You can feel the energy. So good for the soul. Thanks Maggie!” ~ Priscilla

Candlelight Yin Yoga Class:

“This class is the perfect way to unwind after a busy weekend and prepare our mind and bodies for another busy week ahead.” ~ Prescilla


“Hi Maggie, It was fantastic talking to you. Thank you! Talking to you was just the push I needed to get back on track and push forward. Truly loved to hear your messages in the same writing style that comes through for me.  Also, thank you for all of the info and links you sent. Happy to be connected with you.” ~ Jen

From a 28-Day Soul Coaching® Student:


“You truly have a gift. This work is incredible and I am amazed by the amount of miracles that have been happening to me.” ~ Jane


“I really believe that when you started giving me Reiki treatments – it opened something up for me.  It brought things to the surface for me. Transformational.” ~ Kathy


“Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you.” ~ Jane

“Maggie is a remarkable and compassionate Soul Coach. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for discovering your soul’s truth!”

~ Denise Linn, Founder, International Institute of Soul Coaching®


“Your class was amazing! I enjoyed your class very much! I was impressed with your format. You had really nice transitions from pose to pose and most importantly from seated to standing positions. You also offered some new poses that I have not seen in other classes, which was great to have your own spin and variety. You were very safe and progressed participants through the varying levels of poses based on their flexibility. Great Job!” ~ Liz Cecere, Program Manager, PlusOne, Fidelity Investments


“I love the pearls of wisdom you give us during your classes.” ~ Andrea Downey, Yoga Instructor


“I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how impressed I was with your class yesterday. You have a beautiful and calming presence and did a few things in there that most new instructors take years to learn. Synchronizing breath to movement, mirroring perfectly and giving out very important details regarding form and modifications.” ~ Renee Maxwell, Yoga Instructor


“I enjoyed your class very much. You taught as if you have been teaching for 20 years.” ~ Sylvia Mignon, RYT


“I love your website! Your way of explaining Ho’oponopono is captivating. I also felt exhilaration reading your story. Before I was even finished, actually the first time I saw the word Reiki, I forwarded it to the only Reiki person I know! You’ve got a friend in me. Thank you for your site.” ~ Debi


“Thank you Maggie……… I’m a fan. I just want to thank you with all my heart because I ran into your article on signs from the universe and synchronicities and coincidence and all of those fascinating things, and I have to say it came to me at the PERFECT moment of my life…. I needed to be reminded of all the incredible blessings I have after a very traumatic experience that I went through and also because I have been having so many signs lately in regards to a guy I’m in love with, I keep seeing his name everywhere and hearing our song everywhere, so reading your article just helped me a lot, guided me and reminded me… It was the sign I have been looking for and asked God to send me.. You are wonderful!!!! I will keep looking for your articles because they are incredibly helpful!!!!! God bless you and I truly believe he made me read your amazing article in response to the answer I was wanting…. After I finished reading, I could not stop crying but with this immense sense of peace and happiness I can’t explain…. I thanked God for that wonderful article and for each of my blessings. I will be your #1 fan from now on. Thanks again!!!!” ~ Carla


“I thank you for what you wrote, It’s been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It’s been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort.” ~ Contessa


“Maggie, I love this so much. It’s like you have a direct link to my thoughts over the weekend. I feel like I an finally understand allt eh what why’s and the how’s. I can see where i turned a blind eye because I didn’t wnat to see what was clearly right in front of me, and by doing so caused or aide din my own suffering or challenges. It wasn’t until I was finally willing ot open my eyes was I able to see my part in it. And then lovingly release and forgive all including myself. It is such a freeing feeling, knowing, understanding and accepting. Focusing now on living authentically and allowing life to flow in accordance with my vibrations frequency for my best and highest good as I evolve. Accepting, releasing, flowing, and evolving. You said it so perfectly. Thank you.” ~ Francine


“Wow!!! Thank you for this message! You have no idea how timely this was for me. I literally JUST got home from an encounter that challenged me from a spiritual place and there were people there who I find it hard to deal with. Everything you said about interacting with others resonated deeply and aligns with messages I’ve received many times. The time for integration of these concepts is now. Thank you.” ~ Katrina


“Thank you for sharing this part of your story, Maggie! You are such an inspiration! I’m so happy for you and am grateful for the healing I receive from
you just reading your channelings.” ~ Joyellyn


“Beautiful light words of healing…Thank you for sharing. You are a beautiful soul.” ~ Lindamarie


“What a beautiful affirmation that our souls do continue after our physical bodies fall. Love and blessings to you, Maggie. I am just a little teary right
now.” ~ Peggy


“Thank you so much for this. After two and a half years of pain, I cut off connection to my twin flame last night. I felt a pain right in the center of my
stomach all night and early morning. The woman you described is me. And she is the collective. My reptilian goddess ego has cried out in pain. She is ready to be free. To feel whole. To feel love. I am ready to receive. Thank you.” ~ Natalie


“Thank you Maggie. Your messages always say just what I need to hear at the time. I truly appreciate every one of them. Thank you Thank you Thank you.” ~ Ro


“Such a huge affirmation. Thank you so much. I was just telling my friend earlier that I felt like we were surrounded by angels and light and that it was going to be like that whole year, so to always feel supported because it is there, then energy is so willing to work with us at the moment. We just have to do our part and the universe will meet us half way. Choose love, let your heart soar, watch the miracles happen.” ~ Luiz


“Thank you for sharing. I’ve also been feeling anxiety and an ill stomach. This helped remove the anxiety.” ~ Karen


“I am grateful for you and your cosmic messages, sister. Keep’m coming!” ~ Athena


“I actually don’t know what words I feel. I feel everything. I feel reminds me of Jean Auel books. Wonderful!” ~ Marie


“Thank you so much. Everything is becoming much more clear. I have been struggling and did not know why till now.” ~ Lisa


“I had to keep reminding myself to breathe as I was reading this. What I am experiencing is real. Other people are experiencing it too! So glad to find you, Maggie.” ~ Lisa


“This really made sense to me as well. I would love to use this as a meditation. I’m trying not to take on others stuff. It is a constant battle. thanks for
sharing.” ~ Ronnie


“Lovely thank Maggie. I’v found this hard but I’m still trying to work with shadow, hopefully learn day by day one step at a time. Love you.” ~ Mel


“Maggie, Truly took my breath away. Thank you so much for sharing my sister. Namaste.” ~ Donna


“Goosebumps. Thank you for sharing Maggie.” ~ Heather


“Maggie, my dearest sister. I can’t wait to meet you in person. You have and continue to help me so much! I connect so much to you. Thank you. I kept hearing in my sleep the other night, “two hands and one heart” and I couldn’t completely figure out what that meant to me….then you described the part where you said palm to palm and hugging I got chills and tears. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~ Cindy

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Maggie Anderson does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of techniques.

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Maggie's Bliss

Sedona, AZ

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